Sedum Buritto Sedum is a beautiful succulent native to Mexico. He has change, fleshy leaves of a slightly grey-green color creating beautiful cascades. At an older age, during flowering, tiny leaves appear at the ends of the shoots, delicate pink or red flowers. A very forgiving succulent for forgetful people, Due to its unprecedented resistance, it was called the "iron plant". It tolerates long-term water shortages very well, szybko się rozrasta tworząc z czasem długie “warkocze” z ozdobnymi liśćmi.

Sedum Buritto Sedum Care Sedum

  • Position and Light: Sedum Buritto Rozchodnik prefers clearly, but scattered light. Under natural conditions it grows in the sun, therefore, a place with well-lit sunlight will be ideal. At home or on the terrace, it is worth placing it in a place protected from the scorching sun on the hottest days.
  • Subsoil: This species grows best in light conditions, well-drained substrate. You can use a ready-made succulent mixture or create your own, adding sand and perlite to improve drainage.
  • Watering: Sedum ‘Burrito’ jest sukulentem, what does it mean, that it stores water in its fleshy leaves. Watering should be moderate, taking care to avoid flooding the plant. Especially in summer, when the soil is dry to the touch, warto dostarczyć Sedum ‘Burrito’ odrobinę wody. Use drainage at the bottom of the pot, e.g. made of expanded clay to avoid overflow. Water sparingly with standing water at room temperature, allow the substrate to dry completely. In summer, once a day 10-14 days, less often in winter. A sedum burrito will definitely handle drying out better than overflowing.
  • Temperature: This plant is quite resistant to temperature differences, but it grows best in a range 18-24 degrees Celsius. During the winter, if the plant is moved indoors, it is recommended to keep the temperature at the same level 10-15 degrees Celsius.
  • Multiplication: Sedum ‘Burrito’ można łatwo rozmnażać przez sadzonki. Pieces of shoots can be rooted in moist soil, creating new plants.
  • Safe for animals? – TAK

Sedum Buritto Sedum is an extremely attractive species of succulent, which attracts attention not only with its unusual appearance, but also easy to care for. Dzięki Sedum ‘Burrito’ na tarasie czy w mieszkaniu, we gain more than just a charming ornamental plant, but also the pleasure of communing with nature in its extraordinary form. Its hanging shoots create unique compositions, giving the space an original and harmonious character.


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